ESS-C-285n Electronic Résumé (Rev. 2022-08-12)

The Electronic Résumé will be developed by the individual and the EC either as a word document or as a Visual Résumé to showcase the individual's skills, education, personality, and abilities. The resume will be kept updated while services are being provided to the individual and the EC will instruct the individual how to write and update their own resume for future use.

ESS-C-185 Job Accommodation Form (Rev 2022-09-09)

The EC will complete the Job Accommodation Form when the individual first begins a job, at each milestone, and for any job replacements. The Job Accommodation Form will be submitted for payment with the required documentation for each milestone or service and a copy will be retained in the individual's case file. For information about Job Accommodations contact the DRS Counselor and/or use the Jan Network at
